My Latest Musings:

  • Dear Money Adventurer, The word on the street is that you’d all like another low-priced workshop so you can meet with me via Zoom, ask questions, and get some solid financial therapy support. To that end, I’m thrilled to announce that I’ll be hosting a live, virtual workshop all about Money Dates on Sunday, May 19th at 11 a.m. MDT! This workshop is hosted on Zoom so you can call in from anywhere around the world. (And, yes, there will…

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  • What do you do when life throws you a major money curveball? What do you actually do? How can you sort through all of your emotions, fear, and shock, so you can see clearly? How do you soothe your body and heart when they’re in money panic mode? What do you actually do, in the middle of any given Tuesday afternoon? Today, I’d like to tell you the real, from-the-trenches story of a big financial trauma I faced — and…

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  • Dear Friend, Have you heard the term Money Koan? It’s a phrase I’ve used for a while in the community of my year-long Art of Money program. When I see someone in a hard spot around money, I tell them I see their struggles as being their current money koan. It could be that they’re struggling with a money belief or trying to understand a part of their money relationship that they haven’t been able to work out or maybe they haven’t…

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  • Dear Community, Tax Day is fast approaching here in the United States. It’s probably our least-beloved holiday, poor thing. And we have strong FEELINGS about it! Tax Day means different things to different people. Whether you … It’s time to take a deep breath and listen. You don’t get to decide when Tax Day comes. But you CAN decide how you respond to it. No matter how you relate to our economic system, YOU are the only one who gets…

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  • Hello, my dear colleague, This is just a quick head’s up to let you know that registration for the next round of my Art of Money Mentor Program closes in 2 days, on Thursday, March 14th. Also, to bring some transparency to the table, this will be the last Art of Money Mentor Program that I’ll offer for a while. And by “a while,” that could mean a year or two, which would be 2025 or 2026. The timeline is…

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  • Hello, my dear colleague, What do you do when a difficult money conversation comes up during a session, and your client breaks down, overcome with emotion? What tools or personal practices can you turn to in the moment when your client’s big money emotions trigger your own? How do you learn to work with those difficult emotions and the money stories behind them? What about the stories and money beliefs you bring to your work with clients and professional practice?…

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